A Sylum

By November 14, 2021Proem

White Space

Tomas Jose Silber, MD, MASS

White Space


In a field dominated by analytic thinking, taking a moment to consider the aesthetic and emotional contours of a subject can shed new light on it. The Proem serves as an introductory thought that relates to an idea explored in one or more of the articles in the issue.

White Space

White Space

The doctor spoke a funny Spanish
and she smiled at me:
Comou te va ?”.
“I cannot sleep”
“Que pasa?”
“When I close my eyes I see the soldiers”
I told her my story.
It all began when the soldiers came
and they took my brother.
My papi tried to stop them
And they killed my papi.
My mami took me in her arms and run.
I was crying, my mami kissed me and said:
No llores, we will cross la frontera.
The Gringos have good heart.
The Gringos have laws.
I will ask for a Sylum. You will go to school.”

The coyote took everything we had,
even the bracelet abuelita made for me.
My mami soothed me:
“We’ll soon cross la frontera and be safe.
The Gringos have good heart.
The Gringos have laws.
I will ask for a Sylum. You will go to school.”

We crossed la frontera
and the soldiers came.
They took me from my mami
and I cried, and I cried, and I cried.
Doctor, I want to see my mami. I miss her.
Can you give her a Sylum?

It is dark and it is cold.
Mami, you lied to me.
Mami, you LEFT me.
Mami I hate you!
Mami, mami, mami, take me back:
I will be a good girl!

White Space

White Space

The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
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