The leadership team of Pediatric Ethicscope: The Journal of Pediatric Bioethics is comprised of editor-in-chief Tomas Jose Silber, MD, MASS and executive editor Stowe Locke Teti, HEC–C. The editors are responsible for the aims and scope of the journal, and all editorial decisions. Mr Teti oversees manuscript screening and technical review prior to external refereed review. Contact the editorial team with questions or comments at: [email protected].

Dr. Silber and Mr. Teti make use of subject matter editors as needed (listed in the print version of Pediatric Ethicscope). Please note that our subject matter editors are utilized when their expertise is required to screen a manuscript and make initial comments to authors; peer reviews are in most cases conducted by reviewers external to the journal and its management. See our For Authors section for further details.

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