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About the Series: Pediatric Ethics Education for Community-Based Practitioners is a new series of webinars aimed to provide a forum for discussion of and education regarding pediatric ethical issues community-based practitioners often encounter, including pediatricians and generalists practicing in outpatient clinics, community hospitals, emergency departments, and urgent care facilities. The series is sponsored by Pediatric Ethicscope and the Pediatric Ethics Affinity Group of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities.

Each one-hour webinar will begin with a case presentation followed by a commentary from an expert pediatric bioethicist. The remainder of the time will be devoted to discussion and participant Q&A. Webinars will be recorded and made publicly available for continuing education.

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About the Series: Pediatric Ethics Education for Community-Based Practitioners is a series of webinars aimed to provide a forum for discussion of and education regarding pediatric ethical issues community-based practitioners often encounter, including pediatricians and generalists practicing in outpatient clinics, community hospitals, emergency departments, and urgent care facilities. The series is sponsored by Pediatric Ethicscope and the Pediatric Ethics Affinity Group of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities.

Each webinar will consist of a 10-minute case presentation, followed by a 10-minute commentary from an expert pediatric bioethicist, and 30 minutes of discussion and participant Q&A . Webinars will be recorded and made publicly available for continuing education.

Call for Proposals: We are soliciting proposals for case presentations from students, trainees, junior healthcare practitioners and their mentors. Cases must pose an ethically challenging situation in community-based pediatric practice that is likely to be broadly relevant to healthcare practitioners working in community-based settings (e.g., primary care clinics, urgent cares, community hospitals and emergency departments).

Preference will be given to submissions involving cases that address one of the following priority topics:

  1. Informed permission (consent), assent, (non)disclosure of diagnosis/prognosis and/or developing autonomy
  2. Ethical issues in prenatal diagnosis
  3. Gender-affirming care and/or inclusive spaces
  4. Treatment disagreements and tensions in decision -making (e.g., treatment refusal, requests for potentially
  5. inappropriate treatment)
  6. Resource allocation in community settings for pediatric patients
  7. Racism and other forms of discrimination and inequity in the care of children and teens

Privacy Considerations: Cases should be based upon actual patients and events, but should be fully de-identified. All HIPAA identifiers must be removed, as well as any specific details that are not ethically relevant and/or would render the patient recognizable to family or friends.

Please send a 1-page statement of interest to Bryanna Moore, Chair of the Pediatric Ethics Affinity Group, at
 [email protected] that includes the following information:

  • Title of proposed presentation
  • Presenter(s)’ full name(s), highest academic degree(s), and affiliation(s)
  • Mentor(s)’ full name(s), highest academic degree(s), and affiliation(s) (This is optional)
  • Priority topic area
  • Description of case (300 words maximum)
  • 3-5 proposed learning objectives for the webinar—these should go beyond the particulars of the specific case and
    consider what participants can apply to their practice more broadly (100 words maximum)
  • 3-5 ethical questions for discussion and expert commentary (100 words maximum)

The Selection Committee will review the statements of interest on a rolling basis. 

Steering Committee Members: Lynn Bush, Amy Caruso Brown, Vanessa Madrigal, Jonathan Marron, Bryanna Moore,
Stowe Locke Teti, Yoram Unguru, Ian Wolfe

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First Session:

Parental refusal of treatment for a febrile infant.

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Second Session:

The impact of culture and parental disagreement over intubation of a 13-year-old with muscular dystrophy.

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