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Overview of Pediatric Ethicscope 2018 Volume 31 Number 1: Embracing diagnostic uncertainty; ECMO referral; moral language following pediatric death; ethical issues in genetics research; Children’s Mercy Bioethics.
Care providers of critically ill pediatric patients encounter ethically complex and morally distressing situations in their practice. This study sought to identify whether providers remark on ethical conflicts or note moral distress following recent in hospital pediatric death.
Children are important participants in genetics research, and in genetics research involving children, IRBs must address the primary issues of privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, and the return of results.
Since Henry Beecher’s 1966 revelation of the scandal at the Willowbrook School, the ethics of biomedical research involving pediatric subjects has never been the same. Throughout history, the conversation about non-therapeutic pediatric research has moved from access to protection only to return to access once more.